GofundMe Extra info

What you can help with! 

  I want to make life changing, empowering, inspiring, thought-provoking, challenging, compassionate, fearsome, futuristic, creative and sustainable music.  This does not come cheap. I have recorded 18 tracks and now need help with mastering, producing cds, producing apparel, website building, promoting, online advertising, and music videos. Each song to be mastered costs me 50$ at the studio I have been working out of. Other costs from putting together Press Release Kits and promotion can cost a lot and that is why I would love your help and support. You would essentially be helping me lift this album off the ground and get it in the right hands of the right people. If you also have any suggestions of comments let me know!

You can help with saving the planet by investing in me.  Help me showcase the balance between good and evil when it comes to enviromental thought! Its in my honour to bring forth my love for each and every single one of your reading this. I live within your heart and so I want you to live within mine. If you want to learn more about me and my mission read on fam! Im grateful for you're ongoing support.

What I am Busy Doing...

For the past two years I have been working on music, writing, blogging, social networking, and most importantly recording my first studio album. I am working harder and harder each and everyday because I want to create a product that is everlasting and unique.  I have worked hard- spending countless hours refining my craft.  I am fortunate to have a recording producer with credible knowledge, experience in the industry and a true passion for what he does. Thank you Lonnie Szoke for making this album happen! You have empowered me to become a more influential artist!

Peace, Love, Happiness


Can't Do it Alone...

  I have said it many times when trying to define the message and what Broken Circle stands for and when I think about it, we are all just broken pieces in this world. It's hard to do it all yourself. It's hard to manage a lot when your alone. But, together we form strong circles of likeminded people with similar goals seeking financial freedom and mindfulness . We begin to see our path more clearly and I know if you are thinking about investing in me and my vision it is because you see a little bit of yourself in me.  I man with character, charisma, and love. I have learned to love myself and others, so that I may help myself and others.  My next step now people is to help the planet.  THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP! Help me face the odds and show the world that its a balance between good and evil; you better take the pill or think and substitute a placebo.


Brand me...

The most successful products and brands give people what they need and this is what I will give you. I will give you a reason to buy my music-20% of profits will go to a charity you choose.  I want to create real incentive and real change.


I want to give sense of understanding and foresight into future think tanks of sustainable businesses and development ventures (whether it be infrastructure or social institutional remodelling). It's all about Brainstorming. Idea conjuring. Difference making. Building up people's ingenious nature to create and act. I want the music to help empower the youth to advocate and become the stewards we need tomorrow.  That's what the Broken Circle is.


End Game...

I feel more-and-more connected to the music and what I want to purposefully do. We have the ability to uphold gratitude empathy, and excitement. But even though, our world is also flooded with darkness, hate, discrimination and unlawfulness, there is hope in evaluating and personifying positive action.  There are great people achieving great feats. I want to know what drives people, what their passions are, where their creativity hides, and how they want to express themselves with the freedom of their mind. By helping fund me you can help me connect to those game changers who have the know-how and expertise that will allow me to grow these ideas further. Thank you for taking the time to read my mission. I see a unified presence that surmises the fronts of society. Help me bring my music to a national and international level with the primary focus on saving the planet. Help support me and I will not disappoint.  HipHop is my branch as the world is to my tree. 

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